an outobiocast

Earth Regeneration Learning Village


Earth Regeneration Learning Village


You are listening to Tri-Ciprocal, a monthly autobiographic series which takes you behind the scenes to see how the future is being born. I am Your guide, Robin Woolner.

This month- How to tend to an idea who’s time has come?

Robin Dirks (not me, another Robin) has this great idea. Everyone he mentions it to says, Oh my god, that needs to happen.  Each time he hears this he is more committed to see ing it through. but how? 

OK, the idea- Imagine a group of people as excellent at self management as the most radical tech start-ups but instead of the next smart oven, they are working on large scale landscape regeneration. Thats the idea- An earth regeneration learning village. Blending cutting edge ideas around intelligent, decentralized social design with the most up to date approaches to regenerating the earth. Could humans create even more balance, beauty , life and abundance than we have caused destruction? We think so.

This month, we will go behind the scenes to 2 phone calls in preparation for the next meeting. What needs to happen for this idea to catalyze the formation of a high functioning team? Listen in as we dig into these questions and more.