an outobiocast

Returning to Los Angeles


It has been one month now that I am in the trials of a life in Los Angeles. I am trying out a new job, doing property management and maintenance for family property. I am rebuilding my sense of community in this city which has never been rock solid. Transitioning from life off grid in the mountains comes with heightened contrasts. Being near so many people, so much anger and frustration I sense around me while in bad traffic. It can be overwhelming. But the incredible structure of humans existing together is transcendent.

I am attending film screenings, theatre performances, art show openings, going on dates, playing basketball with friends, eating yummy food… These were things outside of my grasp up in the mountains and it is nice to have them in my life- 1 hour experience that people spend months preparing for.

I am in the process of finding a place to rent. I need home but is also upsets me. I have been so joyfully between homes. A child of the world. Finding shelter in serendipity and good will. What will come of me